

The ICubeMetaLoaderBindingParser interface contains properties for recognition of attributes on setting up bindings to the a data source field.


  Property name Brief description
CaptureGroup The CaptureGroup property determines a sequence number of a group in a regular expression.
DelimitedPosition The DelimitedPosition property determines a sequence number of attributes separator in a list.
DelimiterChars The DelimiterChars property determines a list of attributes separators.
ParserType The ParserType property determines an order of recognition of data source attrbutes.
RegExp The RegExp property determines a regular expression.
ReplaceMap The ReplaceMap property returns the map of character strings that determines shifts for loaded values.
SkipList The SkipList property returns the strings array that determines values that will not be loaded.
StringPositionEnd The StringPositionEnd property determines an end position of attribute in a string.
StringPositionStart The StringPositionStart determines a start position of attribute in a string.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces