
Assembly: Cubes;


The ICubeCacheUpdateSheduledTask interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the task of the scheduled tasks container named Updating Cache for the Repository Object.

Inheritance Hierarchy




The interface can be used on the following servers:

To get supported DBMS versions, see theSupported DBMS section.


  Property name Brief description
DestKey The DestKey property determines the key of the cube display version.
SourceCube The SourceCube property determines the calculated cube, for which it is required to create a scheduled task of cache update.

Properties inherited from IScheduledTask

  Property name Brief description


The Properties property returns task parameters.


The State property returns a state of the task at the current moment.


  Method name Brief description
LoadSelection The LoadSelection method copies the selection, according to which data cache is updated in the cube.
SetSelection The SetSelection method sets the selection, according to which data cache is updated for the cube on executing the task.

Methods inherited from IScheduledTask

  Method name Brief description
CreateInvokeEvent The CreateInvokeEvent method creates a new event of executing a task of the scheduled tasks container.
ExecuteImmediate The ExecuteImmediate method executes a task in the current repository.
GetResults The GetResults method returns task execution history.
ResetResults The ResetResults property resets the results of task execution and marks it as Ready.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces