

The CalculatedCubeInstance interface contains properties and methods of a calculated cube instance.


  Property name Brief description
Destination The Destination property returns the object that is used to work with calculated cube data.
Formula The Formula property returns the formula collection that helps calculate the value for the specified coordinate.
Formulas The Formulas property returns the matrix containing the strings of calculated cube formulas.
Sources The Sources property returns the collection of calculated cube sources.
View The View property returns the parameter of the elements dimensions layout in a cube and cube formulas.


  Method name Brief description
Apply The Apply method applies selection control parameters.
CreateApply The CreateApply method creates an object that is used for cube dimension selection control.
CreateCoord The CreateCoord method creates an object that is a coordinate in a calculated cube.
CreateExecutor The CreateExecutor method creates an object that calculates the output matrix of a calculated cube.
CreateSourceCoord The CreateSourceCoord method creates an object that is a coordinate in a source cube for a calculated cube.
FindCoordEntries The FindCoordEntries method searches for the occurrences of the specified coordinate in calculated cube formulas.
FindCubeEntries The FindCubeEntries method searches for the occurrences of the specified cube in calculated cube formulas.
FindDimensionEntries The FindDimensionEntries method searches for the occurrences of the specified dictionary in calculated cube formulas.
FindElementEntries The FindElementEntries method searches for the occurrences of the specified dictionary element in calculated cube formulas.
LoadFormulasFromFile The LoadFormulasFromFile method loads calculated cube formulas from file.
SaveFormulas The SaveFormulas method saves changes that made in calculation cube formulas.
SaveFormulasToFile The SaveFormulasToFile method saves calculated cube formulas to a file.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces