

The CubeMetaUpdateHintQuery enumeration contains types of queries executed on time series database replication.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
1 ExportFromActualData. Query of export from actual data tables.
2 ExportFromRevision. Query of export from revision data tables.
3 ExportFromMultiVal. Query of export from multiple attribute table.
4 FillMapTable. Query of insert to table for dictionary elements mapping.
5 InsertGroupTable1. The first query executed on insert to update group records data.
6 InsertGroupTable2. The second query executed on insert to update groups records data.
7 InsertGroupTable3. The third query executed on insert to update group records data.
8 InsertGroupTable4. The fourth query executed on insert to update group records data.
9 InsertFactsTable. Query of insert to update facts.
10 InsertValsTable. Query of insert to update values.
11 InsertMultiValMapTable. Query of insert to update table for multiple attribute mapping.
12 InsertMultiValTable. Query of insert to update multiple attribute table.
13 InsertFactorMapTable. Query of insert to update series (factors) mapping table.
14 InsertFactorfilteredMapTable. Query of insert to update series (factors) table mapping taking into account permissions.
15 InsertGenerateNewFactorKeys. Query of insert to create new series keys.
16 InsertPeriodsTable. Query of insert for periods table.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Enumerations