Cubes Assembly Classes

  Class Brief description
CalculatedCube The CalculatedCube class implements an object that provides access to data calculated cube from custom macros.
CalendarDimension The CalendarDimension class implements an object that is used to work with elements of the calendar dictionary in the cube.
CubeCallback The CubeCallback class implements the events that are used to process data saving to cube.
CubeClass The CubeClass class implements an object that provides access to data of the current cube, as well as the current coordinates of a standard cube.
CubeCombinedExecutor The CubeCombinedExecutor class implements an object used for parallel calculation of output cube matrices.
CubeCreator The CubeCreator class implements an object used for automatic creation of repository standard cubes.
CubeExecuteSetup The CubeExecuteSetup class implements an object that is used to work with dimension parameters on cube calculation.
CubeLoaderFromSource The CubeLoaderFromSource class implements an object that is used to load data to the cube with the ability of transformation by dimensions.
CubeMetaCopierClass The CubeMetaCopierClass class implements an object that copies factors from time series database.
CubeMetaExporterClass The CubeMetaExporterClass class implements an object that executes export of factors.
CubeMetaloaderImportCallback The CubeMetaloaderImportCallback class contains methods implementing events that occur on time series import.
CubeMetaUpdateCallback The CubeMetaUpdateCallback class is used to work with events that occur in transactions during copying of time series database.
CubeMetaUpdateClass The CubeMetaUpdateClass class implements an object that copies a time series database.
CubeSerializer The CubeSerializer class implements the object that is used to work with a cube saved to file.
CubeTransactionManager The CubeTransactionManager class implements the transaction manager used on working with multidimensional data sources.
CubeValueChangeCallback The CubeValueChangeCallback class implements an object that is used to recalculate values of cube calculated facts.
DateConverter The DateConverter class is used to set date parse format.
InMemManager The InMemManager class implements the manager to work with the In-Memory cache.
RubricatorAutoPeriod The RubricatorAutoPeriod class is used to work with the parameters of time period in the time series database.
RubricatorCopier The RubricatorCopier class is used for copying of time series database.
RubricatorCreator The RubricatorCreator class is used for creating of time series database based on the data table or the standard cube.
TableCreator The TableCreator class implements an object used for automatic creation of repository tables.
ValidationExecSelection The ValidationExecSelection class is used to work with the selection on receiving validation calculation data.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces | Cubes Assembly Enumerations | Examples