Id: String;
The Id property returns variable identifier.
The property is read-only.
Add a link to the Cp system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
ZCU: LinearOptimization;
VarS: ILoVariables;
Vrbl: ILoVariable;
ConstrS: ILoConstraints;
Constr: ILoConstraint;
AddendS: ILoAddends;
Addend: ILoAddend;
EqS: ILoEquations;
Eq: ILoEquation;
ObjFun: ILoCriterionFunction;
Res: ILoResults;
Retro: Array[1] Of Double;
I, J: Integer;
s: String;
Val: Double;
ci: ICultureInfo;
TimeInterval: Integer;
ZCU := New LinearOptimization.Create;
// Variables
Retro := New Double[1];
Retro[0] := 1;
// List of variables
Vars := ZCU.Variables;
For I := 1 To 6 Do
s := "x" + i.ToString;
// Variables
Vrbl := Vars.Add(s);
Vrbl.Retrospective := Retro;
End For;
// List of constraints
ConstrS := ZCU.Constraints;
For i := 1 To 6 Do
Constr := ConstrS.Add;
Constr.LowerBound := 0;
Constr.UpperBound := 1e20;
// List of addends
AddendS := Constr.Addends;
Addend := AddendS.Add(Vars.FindById("x1"));
Addend.Coeff := 1; //variable coefficient
Addend.Lag := i; //lag
End For;
Constr := ConstrS.Add;
Constr.LowerBound := 2;
Constr.UpperBound := 1e20;
AddendS := Constr.Addends;
Addend := AddendS.Add(Vars.FindById("x1"));
Addend.Coeff := 1; //variable coefficient
Addend.Lag := 7; //lag
For i := 1 To 6 Do
Constr := ConstrS.Add;
Constr.LowerBound := 0;
Constr.UpperBound := 1e20;
// List of addends
AddendS := Constr.Addends;
Addend := AddendS.Add(Vars.FindById("x2"));
Addend.Coeff := 1; //variables coefficient
Addend.Lag := i; //lag
End For;
Constr := ConstrS.Add;
Constr.LowerBound := 2;
Constr.UpperBound := 1e20;
AddendS := Constr.Addends;
Addend := AddendS.Add(Vars.FindById("x2"));
Addend.Coeff := 1; //variable coefficient
Addend.Lag := 7; //lag
For i := 1 To 6 Do
Constr := ConstrS.Add;
Constr.LowerBound := 0;
Constr.UpperBound := 1e20;
// List of addends
AddendS := Constr.Addends;
Addend := AddendS.Add(Vars.FindById("x3"));
Addend.Coeff := 1; //variables coefficient
Addend.Lag := i; //lag
End For;
Constr := ConstrS.Add;
Constr.LowerBound := 2;
Constr.UpperBound := 1e20;
AddendS := Constr.Addends;
Addend := AddendS.Add(Vars.FindById("x3"));
Addend.Coeff := 1; //variable coefficient
Addend.Lag := 7; //lag
For i := 1 To 7 Do
Constr := ConstrS.Add;
Constr.LowerBound := 0;
Constr.UpperBound := 1e20;
// List of addends
AddendS := Constr.Addends;
Addend := AddendS.Add(Vars.FindById("x4"));
Addend.Coeff := 1; //variable coefficient
Addend.Lag := i; //lag
End For;
For i := 1 To 7 Do
Constr := ConstrS.Add;
Constr.LowerBound := 0;
Constr.UpperBound := 1e20;
// List of addends
AddendS := Constr.Addends;
Addend := AddendS.Add(Vars.FindById("x5"));
Addend.Coeff := 1; //variable coefficient
Addend.Lag := i; //lag
End For;
For i := 1 To 7 Do
Constr := ConstrS.Add;
Constr.LowerBound := 0;
Constr.UpperBound := 1e20;
// List of addends
AddendS := Constr.Addends;
Addend := AddendS.Add(Vars.FindById("x6"));
Addend.Coeff := 1; //variable coefficient
Addend.Lag := i; //lag
End For;
// List of equations EqS := ZCU.Equations; // Equation 1 Eq := EqS.Add; AddendS := Eq.Addends; Addend := Addends.Add(Vars.FindById( "x1" )); //left part Addend.Coeff := 1 ; //variable coefficient Addend.Lag := 0 ; //lag Addend := Addends.Add(Vars.FindById( "x1" )); //1st addend Addend.Coeff := 0 . 5 ; //variable coefficient Addend.Lag := 1 ; //lag Addend := Addends.Add(Vars.FindById( "x2" )); //2nd addend Addend.Coeff := - 0 . 3 ; //variable coefficient Addend.Lag := 1 ; //lag Addend := Addends.Add(Vars.FindById( "x3" )); //3rd addend Addend.Coeff := 0 . 1 ; //variable coefficient Addend.Lag := 1 ; //lag Addend := Addends.Add(Vars.FindById( "x4" )); //4th addend Addend.Coeff := 1 ; //variable coefficient Addend.Lag := 1 ; //lag
// Equation 2
Eq := EqS.Add;
AddendS := Eq.Addends;
Addend := Addends.Add(Vars.FindById("x2")); //left part
Addend.Coeff := 1; //variable coefficient
Addend.Lag := 0; //lag
Addend := Addends.Add(Vars.FindById("x1")); //1st addend
Addend.Coeff := -0.2; //variable coefficient
Addend.Lag := 1; //lag
Addend := Addends.Add(Vars.FindById("x2")); //2nd addend
Addend.Coeff := 0.1; //variable coefficient
Addend.Lag := 1; //lag
Addend := Addends.Add(Vars.FindById("x5")); //3rd addend
Addend.Coeff := 1; //0.1;//variable coefficient
Addend.Lag := 1; //lag
// Equation 3
Eq := EqS.Add;
AddendS := Eq.Addends;
Addend := Addends.Add(Vars.FindById("x3")); //left part
Addend.Coeff := 1; //variable coefficient
Addend.Lag := 0; //lag
Addend := Addends.Add(Vars.FindById("x3")); //1st addend
Addend.Coeff := 0.1; //variable coefficient
Addend.Lag := 1; //lag
Addend := Addends.Add(Vars.FindById("x6")); //2nd addend
Addend.Coeff := 1; //variable coefficient
Addend.Lag := 1; //lag
// Criterion function
ObjFun := ZCU.CriterionFunction;
//=== x4
For i := 1 To 7 Do
Addend := ObjFun.Addends.Add(Vars.FindById("x4"));
Addend.Coeff := 1;
Addend.Lag := 7 - i;
End For;
//=== x5
For i := 1 To 7 Do
Addend := ObjFun.Addends.Add(Vars.FindById("x5"));
Addend.Coeff := 1;
Addend.Lag := 7 - i;
End For;
//=== x6
For i := 1 To 7 Do
Addend := ObjFun.Addends.Add(Vars.FindById("x6"));
Addend.Coeff := 1;
Addend.Lag := 7 - i;
End For;
TimeInterval := 7;
ZCU.Extremum := ExtremumType.Minimum;
Res := ZCU.Evaluate(TimeInterval) As ILoResults;
s := "Optimal value: " + Res.OptimalValue.ToString;
s := Res.ErrorMsg + " (Code: " + Res.Status.ToString + ")";
s := " ";
For j := 1 To Vars.Count Do
Vrbl := Vars.Item(j - 1);
s := s + Vrbl.Id + ", ";
End For;
ci := CultureInfo.Current;
For i := 1 To TimeInterval Do
s := "t=" + i.ToString + ", ";
For j := 1 To Vars.Count Do
Vrbl := Vars.Item(j - 1);
Val := Res.VarValues(Vrbl.Id)[i - 1];
s := s + ci.FormatDoublePrec(Val, 6) + ", ";
End For;
End For;
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the console window displays calculation results.
See also: