

The CpNonLinearMethodType enumeration contains methods of optimal controlling problem calculation. This enumeration is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 GridSearch. Grid search. Method of grid search is one of direct minimization methods requiring a lot of computational costs and not used for solving practical problems. This method results in the extremum of the criterion function that is found by grid search where the number of nodes is defined by the user. Precision of the found solution depends on the grid size.
1 SequentialQP. Sequential quadratic programming. This is a method with quadratic subtasks. This method results in the local extremum defined by initial approximations or the extremum of the function in case of non-linear variables constraints.
2 SequentialSimplex. Sequential simplex is a method of unconstrained optimization. This method results in the local extremum determined by initial approximation.
3 DifferentEvolution. Method of differential evolution. It is used to solve optimal control problem.

See also:

Cp Assembly Enumerations