

The LinearOptimization class contains properties and methods of linear optimization.


To use properties and non-linear optimization methods, you should execute integration with LPSolve or set the path to the lpsolve55.dll library using the ISmLPSolveManager.UserLPSolvePath property.

Properties inherited from ICpLinearOptimization

  Property name Brief description
Constraints The Constraints property returns linear optimization constraints.
CriterionFunction The CriterionFunction property returns criterion function.
Equations The Equations property returns linear optimization equations.
Variables The Variables property returns linear optimization variables.

Properties inherited from ICpMethod

  Property name Brief description
Extremum The Extremum property determines the type of extremum, which will be searched for when finding optimal value.

Methods inherited from ICpMethod

  Method name Brief description
Evaluate The Evaluate method calculates the method.

See also:

Cp Assembly Classes