BISearch Assembly Enumerations

  Enumeration Brief description
LogicalOperator The LogicalOperator enumeration contains operators, which can be used to merge different elements on setting up a search service.
SearchEngineTargetType The SearchEngineTargetType enumeration contains purpose options of different search service instances.
SearchSortMode The SearchSortMode enumeration contains available options of sorting direction.
SolrFieldBindingType The SolrFieldBindingType enumeration contains types of bindings for auto fill of custom fields on indexing.
SolrFieldType The SolrFieldType enumeration contains available field types of the Solr instance.
SolrImportCleanType The SolrImportCleanType enumeration contains options of search index clearing before updating.
SolrSearchType The SolrSearchType enumeration contains available search options.
SourceImportMode The SourceImportMode enumeration determines an indexing mode of data source display version.

See also:

BISearch Assembly Interfaces | BISearch Assembly Classes