
Assembly: Algo;


The ICalcFunc interface is used to work with function block.

Inheritance Hierarchy




  Property name Brief description
Assembly The Assembly property determines a unit with function or an assembly containing a unit with function.
ErrorInfo The ErrorInfo property returns the error information.
IsValid The IsValid property returns whether function parameters are correct.
Procedure The Procedure property determines a custom function.
SimpleParamValues The SimpleParamValues property determines additional values of function parameters.

Properties inherited from ICalcObject

  Property name Brief description
Descriptor The Descriptor property returns the calculation algorithm object as an internal repository object.
Id The Id property determines a calculation algorithm object identifier.
IsEdited The IsEdited property returns whether calculation algorithm object is edited.
IsUseExtObject The IsUseExtObject property determines whether repository objects located outside a container or a business application are used.
Key The Key property returns the calculation algorithm object key.
Name The Name property determines calculation algorithm object name.
Params The Params property returns the collection of calculation algorithm object parameters.
PrxReport The PrxReport property creates a regular report with data obtained after object calculation from data consumer.
SelControl The SelControl property determines settings for managing data source dimension parameters.
Type The Type property determines a calculation algorithm object type.

Methods inherited from ICalcObject

  Method name Brief description
CopyTo The CopyTo method copies settings of the current object to the object sent in the output parameter.
CreateCopy The CreateCopy method creates a copy of calculation algorithm object.
Delete The Delete method deletes calculation algorithm object.
FillSelSetFromParams The FillSelSetFromParams method passes the dimensions selection used as a calculation algorithm parameter to the parameters panel.
FindParamUses The FindParamUses method checks if the specified parameter is used in calculation algorithm object.
RefreshMetaModel The RefreshMetaModel method refreshes metamodel.
SaveObject The SaveObject method saves calculation algorithm object.

See also:

Algo Assembly Interfaces