
Assembly: Algo;


The ICalcBlockIteratorStub interface is used to work with a specific data source.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Property name Brief description
Dimensions The Dimensions property returns the data source dimensions collection.
Stub The Stub property returns the abstract data source.
UseInFormulas The UseInFormulas property returns whether data source is used in formulas.


  Method name Brief description
CleanNotFullLink The CleanNotFullLink method deletes incomplete links between data source dimensions and data consumer dimensions.
HasUsedFormulesForLinkById The HasUsedFormulesForLinkById method returns whether links between data source dimensions and data consumer dimensions by attribute identifiers are used in formulas.
HasUsedFormulesForLinkByLink The HasUsedFormulesForLinkByLink method returns whether links between data source dimensions and data consumer dimensions by linked attributes are used in formulas.
LinkById The LinkByLink method links data source dimensions and data consumer dimensions by attribute identifiers.
LinkByLink The LinkByLink method links data source dimensions with data consumer dimensions by linked attributes.

See also:

Algo Assembly Interfaces