

The IAdoMdCatalogInstance interface contains properties and methods used to work with contents the ADOMD catalog instance.


The open instance of the ADOMD catalog can be obtained on executing the following methods:


  Property name Brief description
The Catalog property returns parameters of the ADOMD catalog for which the current instance of the opened catalog is obtained.
The Connection property returns parameters of the server connection.
The CubesFail property returns array containing a list of cubes on which updating any errors appeared.
The CubesFailExceptions property returns array containing list of errors appeared on the ADOMD catalog cube updating.


  Method name Brief description
The Refresh method refreshes contents of the ADOMD catalog.
The RefreshBySQL method refreshes contents of the ADOMD catalog by running the specified MDX query.
The RefreshCube method refreshes the specified cube structure.

See also:

AdoMd Assembly Interfaces