

The IMatrixModelCoord interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the matrix coordinates.


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of coordinate parameters.
Item The Item property determines index of the matrix element for the specified coordinate parameter.
MatrixModel The MatrixModel property returns the parent object.


  Method name Brief description
Assign The Assign method fills the parameters of the current coordinate with the parameters of the input coordinate.
AssignFirst The AssignFirst method fills the specified number of parameters of the current coordinate with the parameters of the input coordinate.
PutFirst The PutFirst method sets the coordinate of the first matrix element.
PutLast The PutLast method sets the coordinate of the last matrix element.
PutLowerBound The PutLowerBound method sets the index of the first element of the corresponding matrix dimension for the specified coordinate parameter.
PutUpperBound The PutUpperBound method sets for the specified coordinate parameter the index of the last element of the corresponding matrix dimension.

See also:

System Assembly Interfaces