
Assembly: System;


The IJsonArray interface is used to work with an elements array in JSON structure.

Inheritance Hierarchy




  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of array elements.
Item The Item property returns the element with the specified index.

Properties inherited from IJsonElement

  Property name Brief description
AsArray The AsArray property returns the element as an array.
AsBoolean The AsBoolean property returns the element as a logical value.
AsDouble The AsDouble property returns the element as a real value.
AsInteger The AsInteger property returns the element as an integer value.
AsObject The AsObject property returns the element as an object.
AsString The AsString property returns the element as a string value.
GetType The GetType property returns the element type.

Methods inherited from IJsonElement

  Method name Brief description
Query The Query method returns the array of elements obtained by executing a JSONPath query.
WriteToStream The WriteToStream method writes the current element to stream.
WriteToString The WriteToString method returns the element string view.

See also:

System Assembly Interfaces