The TreeCombo Value Editor

The following parameters are available to set up value editor using binding string:

of the parameter
Type Description Mandatory
NODES String Tree node names separated using the separator character (the separator character is determined in the SEPARATORS parameter). The node subelements are determined in curved brackets, the subelements are also separated with separator. None
SEPARATORS String Separator characters of strings in NODES (by default it is |). None
VALUE String Default value. None

Features of Application

The component embedded using the Fore language enables the user to put quotation marks into element text. To do this, the """ symbol combination is used:


Binding String

UI="TreeCombo" NODES="Element 1,{Element 1_1,{Element 1_1_1},Element 1_2},Element 2,{Element 2_1}" SEPARATORS = "," VALUE="Element 1"


Executing the example requires a form with the button named Button1 on it, the TabSheetBox component and the UiTabSheet component named UiTabSheet1, which is the data source for TabSheetBox.

Class TestForm: Form
    Button1: Button;
    UiTabSheet1: UiTabSheet;
    TabSheetBox1: TabSheetBox;

    Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
        BM: IBindingManager;
        TreeComboBinding: IBindingTreeCombo;
        BM := New BindingManager.Create;
        TreeComboBinding := BM.CreateByUi("TreeCombo"As IBindingTreeCombo;
        TreeComboBinding.Nodes := "Element 1,{Element 1_1,{Element 1_1_1},Element 1_2},Element 2,{Element 2_1}";
        //Node separator
        TreeComboBinding.Separators := ",";
        //Default node
        TreeComboBinding.Value := "Element 1";
        UiTabSheet1.TabSheet.Cell(00).Style.Binding := TreeComboBinding.AsString;
    End Sub Button1OnClick;

End Class TestForm;

Clicking the button sets the value editor for the A0 table cell. On cell editing, the three level combo tree is displayed, by default the element named Element 1 is highlighted.
