

CorrectOnExit: Boolean;


The CorrectOnExit property determines value of the CORRECTONEXIT parameter in binding string.


The CORRECTONEXIT parameter determines whether the value will be automatically adjusted on losing focus by the component. If the parameter is set to True, when the editor loses the focus, the invalid value will be replaced by the nearest valid value. If the parameter is set to False, on loosing the focus the invalid value will be replaced by the value set in the Value property. The property is set to False by default.

The CorrectOnExit property is available if the CorrectOnExitDefined property is set to True. If the CorrectOnExit property is changed, the CorrectOnExitDefined property is automatically set to True.


The examples of use are given in description of the IBindingFloatEdit.MaxValue property.

See also:
