AddMilliseconds(Value: DateTime; Count: Integer): DateTime;
Value. Initial date.
Count. The number of added milliseconds.
The AddMilliseconds method adds the specified number of milliseconds to the initial date.
If the Count parameter has a positive value, value of the date is increased, if negative, the date value is decreased.
Sub UserProc;
DT, DT1, DT2, DT3, DT4: DateTime;
DT := DateTime.Parse("01.01.2000 10:20:20.200");
DT1 := DateTime.AddMilliseconds(DT, 1);
DT2 := DateTime.AddMilliseconds(DT, 80);
DT3 := DateTime.AddMilliseconds(DT, 1000);
DT4 := DateTime.AddMilliseconds(DT, -90);
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the variables will contain the following values:
"DT" - "01.01.2000 10:20:20"
"DT1" - "01.01.2000 10:20:20.201"
"DT2" - "01.01.2000 10:20:20.280"
"DT3" - "01.01.2000 10:20:21.200"
"DT4" - "01.01.2000 10:20:20.110"
See also: