The <typeName> Type is not Supported by the For Each Statement


A custom collection not supported by the For Each cycle is implemented in the code.

Troubleshooting Tips

If it is required to use the For Each cycle, implement a custom collection by inheriting from basic classes included into the Collection assembly, or use the For...End For cycle to work with the collection.


Interface IMyItem
    Public Property Text: String
    End Property Text;
    Public Property Value: Variant
    End Property Value;
End Interface IMyItem;

Interface IMyItems
    Public Property Item(i: Integer): IMyItem
    End Property Item;

    Public Property Count: Integer
    End Property Count;
End Interface IMyItems;

Sub TestProc;
    Arr: IMyItems;
    Obj: IMyItem;
    i: Integer;
    For Each Obj In Arr Do
    End For;
End Sub TestProc;

When the specified code is compiled, the string For Each Obj In Arr Do displays the following error: The IMyItems type is not supported by the For Each statement. To resolve the error, use the For...End For cycle, or implement the custom collection by inheriting from the classes included into the Assembly collection.

See also:

Compiler Messages