The <MethodName> Method does not Contain the <ParameterName> Parameter


A name of a non-existing parameter is specified when invoking a method with the specified named parameters.

Troubleshooting Tips

Check the syntax of the named parameters in the method definition and on invoking the method.


Sub TestSub(i: Integer; s: String; d: Double);
End Sub TestSub;

Sub UserProc;
    TestSub(i := 1, dd := 1.1, s := "a");
End Sub UserProc;

When the specified code is compiled, the string TestSub(i := 1, dd := 1.1, s := "a"); displays the following error: The TestSub method does not contain the dd parameter. To resolve the error, specify the correct name of the parameter, that is, d.

See also:

Compiler Messages