Invalid Use of the <property> Write-Only Property in the <class> Class


The block code reads the value of a write-only property.

Troubleshooting Tips

Modify the property so that it would be available for reading. Change the code that reads write-only properties.


Class MyClass: Object
    i: Integer;
    Public Property Test: Integer
            i := Value;
        End Set
    End Property Test;
End Class MyClass;

Sub UserProc;
    Obj: MyClass;
    i: Integer;
    Obj := New MyClass.Create;
    i := Obj.Test;
End Sub UserProc;

When the specified code is compiled, the string i := Obj.Test; displays the following error: Invalid use of the Test write-only property of the MyClass class. To resolve the error, add the Get specifier to the property description or change the string, in which the error is generated.

See also:

Compiler Messages