Type of the <ParameterName> Parameter of the <MethodName> Method is Incompatible with the <index> Index Type of the <Propertyname> Property


When the old syntax of the property description is used, parameters of the method stated after the Set specifier should exceed the number of indexes of the described property by one. The type of the last additional parameter in the method should match the type of the property.

Troubleshooting Tips

Specify the same type for the last parameter of the method and the described property.


Class MyClass: Object
    Sub Proc(a: Integer; b: String; Value: Boolean);
    End Sub Proc;
    Property Item(a: Integer; b: String): Integer Set Proc;
End Class MyClass;

When the specified code is compiled, the following error is displayed: The type of the Value parameter of the Proc method is incompatible with the type of the Item property. To resolve the error, execute one of the following operations:

See also:

Compiler Messages