
Interpolation is a method of calculating lower level data by processing upper level data. For example, quarterly data should be distributed by months.

Available interpolation methods:

The methods are included into to the Aggregation group.

To apply the method

After applying the method the Parameters dialog opens:

Specify the output frequency of the calculated series in the Output Frequency drop-down list. The only available frequencies are those, which are less than frequencies of the series, for which the method is applied. For example, interpolation is calculated for a series that has quarterly frequency. The Output Frequency drop-down list will contain the Daily and Monthly available options.

A corresponding message is displayed if there are no available frequencies that can be used as an output frequency.

A series with the name of the <Method_name>(<Series_Name>) type and containing calculation results is added to the data table for each of the selected series. For example:

Setting Up Calculation Options

To change interpolation calculation method, use the Parameters tab on the side panel.

To display the tab

Select the required interpolation method in the Method drop-down list.

See also:

Calculation Methods | Aggregation | Interpolation Methods