Example of Creating the WrappedTreeList Component

To execute the example, in the HEAD tag add links to component library PP.js and visual style tables PP.css. Add a DIV element with the "container" identifier in the BODY tag. Add an image containing a list of node icons.

Connect the script that generates random nodes:

<script src="genJson.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

genJson.js script

Add the following code to the <script> tag:

// Create nodes
var json = genJson(5540, 254, false, 123457);
// Create component
     var t, treelist;
    t = treelist = new PP.Ui.WrappedTreeList({
        ParentNode: 'container',
        DataObject: json,
        DataMappers: {
            Key: 'k',
            Index: 'i',
            Parent: 'p',
            Content: new PP.PropertyMapper({
                Getter: function (item) { return item.a.it },
                Setter: function (item, value) { item.a.it = value; },
                Context: null
            Selected: 's',
            FixedSelected: '@fs',
            Expanded: 'e',
            ChildrenCount: '@cc'
        Width: 700,
        Height: 550,
        ShowCheckBoxes: true,
        EnableSort: true,
        ShowCaptions: true,
        EnableResizeColumns: false,
        EnableColumnsMenu: true,
        EnableEdit: true,
        ShowTree: true,
        Style: {
          Release: {
            Font: {
              Size: 13,
              FontFamily: "Bookman Old Style",
              IsBold: false
            Content: 'first',
            Width: '36%'
            Content: 'second',
            Width: '11%'
            Content: 'third',
            Width: '53%'

After executing the example the WrappedTreeList component is created.

See also:
