
Namespace: PP.Ui;


The EaseMethods enumeration contains methods of animation smoothing on playing.


Each method of animation smoothing uses one of smoothing equationsand one of three methods of equation application:

Available Values

Value Brief description
easeInBack Smoothing with acceleration using equation of smoothness which moves back slightly before it moves through specified path.
easeInBounce Smoothing with acceleration using equation of oscillatory motion in animation. Such type of smoothing creates an animation which resembles to the ball fell down and bounced from the floor with several attenuated bounces.
easeInCirc Smoothing with acceleration according to circle equation.
easeInCubic Smoothing with acceleration according to cubic curve equation.
easeInElastic Smoothing with acceleration according to exponentially attenuated sinusoid. Such type of smoothing creates an animation which resembles to oscillatory motion of the spring back and forth to the full stop.
easeInExpo Smoothing with acceleration according to the exponent equation.
easeInOutBack Smoothing with acceleration and slowing using equation of smoothness which moves back slightly before it moves through specified path.
easeInOutBounce Smoothing with acceleration and slowing using equation of oscillatory motion in animation. Such type of smoothing creates an animation which resembles to the ball fell down and bounced from the floor with several attenuated bounces.
easeInOutCirc Smoothing with acceleration and slowing according to circle equation.
easeInOutCubic Smoothing with acceleration and slowing using cubic curve equation.
easeInOutElastic Smoothing with acceleration and slowing according to exponentially attenuated sinusoid. Such type of smoothing creates an animation which resembles to oscillatory motion of the spring back and forth to the full stop.
easeInOutExpo Smoothing with acceleration and slowing using exponent equation.
easeInOutQuad Smoothing with acceleration and slowing using equation of curve of the second degree.
easeInOutQuart Smoothing with acceleration and slowing using equation of curve of the fourth degree.
easeInOutQuint Smoothing with acceleration and slowing using equation of curve of the fifth degree.
easeInOutSine Smoothing with acceleration and slowing using sinusoid equation.
easeInQuad Smoothing with acceleration using equation of curve of the second degree.
easeInQuart Smoothing with acceleration according to the equation of curve of the fourth degree.
easeInQuint Smoothing with acceleration using equation of curve of the fifth degree.
easeInSine Smoothing with acceleration using sinusoid equation.
easeOutBack Smoothing with slowing using equation of smoothness which moves back slightly before it moves through specified path.
easeOutBounce Smoothing with slowing using equation of oscillatory motion in animation. Such type of smoothing creates an animation which resembles to the ball fell down and bounced from the floor with several attenuated bounces.
easeOutCirc Smoothing with slowing using circle equation.
easeOutCubic Smoothing with slowing using cubic curve equation.
easeOutElastic Smoothing with slowing according to exponentially attenuated sinusoid. Such type of smoothing creates an animation which resembles to oscillatory motion of the spring back and forth to the full stop.
easeOutExpo Smoothing with slowing using exponent equation.
easeOutQuad Smoothing with slowing using equation of curve of the second degree.
easeOutQuart Smoothing with slowing using equation of curve of the fourth degree.
easeOutQuint Smoothing with slowing according using equation of curve of the fifth degree.

Smoothing with slowing using sinusoid equation.

See also: