
Namespace: PP.Ui;


The ChartSerieInheritanceDataLabelsOptions enumeration contains chart label settings.

Available Values

Value Brief description
All All available chart label settings.
AutoPlaced Automatic chart label placement.
AutoSize Automatic selection of chart data label size.
Background Chart label background fill.
Cap Chart label line cap type.
CapLength Chart label line cap length.
CustomFormat Custom format of number for chart labels.
DisplayBorder Indicates whether chart label border is displayed.
Font Chart label text font parameters.
FontColor Chart label font color.
HideOnIntersect Hide label on intersection with another label.
HorzHotspotAlignment Horizontal position of chart labels.
HorzTextAligment Horizontal alignment of chart labels.
HotspotOffset Chart label position, that is, label offset along the X and Y axis.
HotspotPosition Chart label position relative to chart bar or sector.
IncludeMarketOffset Registration and inclusion of marker coordinates to the offset on offsetting chart labels.
NoteLineInfo Outdated. Use Type, NotePen, Cap, CapLength.
NotePen Chart label callout pen.
Pen Chart label birder pen.
Position Position of chart labels relative to a series (bar, sector, line, and so on).
Shadowed Chart label shadow parameters.
ShowText Indicates whether chart label text is displayed.
Text Chart label text.
Type Chart label type.
VertHotspotAlignment Vertical position of chart labels.
Visible Indicates whether chart labels are displayed.

See also: