
Namespace: PP.Ui;


The BorderCombo.BorderType enumeration contains borders display versions.

It is used by the BorderCombo.BorderType property.

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 BottomSingle. Only the bottom border is displayed.
1 TopSingle. Only the top border is displayed.
2 LeftSingle. Only the left border is displayed.
3 RightSingle. Only the right border is displayed.
4 None. Border is not displayed.
5 FullSingle. External and internal borders are displayed.
6 OuterSingle. All external borders are displayed.
7 OuterBold. External borders are displayed, border line is heavy.
8 BottomDouble. The bottom border is displayed as a double line.
9 BottomBold. The bottom border is displayed as a heavy line.
10 TopBottomSingle. Top and bottom borders are displayed.
11 TopSingleBottomBold. Top and bottom borders are displayed, the bottom border is displayed as a heavy line.
12 TopSingleBottomDouble. Top and bottom borders are displayed, the bottom is displayed as a double line.

See also:

PP.Ui | BorderCombo