Example of Creating the MainMenu Component

To execute the example, in the HEAD tag, add links to the PP.js library and to the PP.css visual styles. The page must contain a DIV element with the mm1 identifier where the main menu is placed. See below the example of the main menu creation, consisting of three buttons:

    //menu for the first button of the main menu

    var menu0 = new PP.Ui.Menu({

            //event of the menu item selection

             ItemSelected: onItemClick,

            //menu items

             Items: [

   { MenuItem: { Content: "Create"} },

   { MenuItem: { Content: "Open..."} },

   { MenuItem: { Content: "Save"} }



    //main menu buttons

    var mainMenuButton0 = new PP.Ui.MainMenuButton({

             Content: "File",

             //menu for the button

             Menu: menu0


    var mainMenuButton1 = new PP.Ui.MainMenuButton({Content: "Editing"});

    var mainMenuButton2 = new PP.Ui.MainMenuButton({Content: "Format"});

    //main menu

    var mainMenu = new PP.Ui.MainMenu({

        ParentNode: document.getElementById("mm1"),

        //main menu buttons

        Items: [mainMenuButton0, mainMenuButton1, mainMenuButton2]


    //main menu width


    //event handler of the menu item selection

    function onItemClick(item, args){

        var id = item.getId(); 

        alert("Menu item is chosen «" + mainMenu.getItemById(id).getContent()+ "»");


The MainMenu component is located on the HTML page after executing the example and looks as follows:

Component includes three buttons. The menu consisting of three items opens by clicking the File button. The Select <item name> item message is displayed by selecting any of the items.