

Items: Array


The Items property contains an array of toolbar items.


Use JSON or the setItems method to set the property value and the getItems method to get the property value.


The property use is given in description of the StateChanged event.

JSON example

To execute the example, connect the PP.js components library and the PP.css visual styles table, the page must contain an object with the toolB identifier. See below the JavaScript code used to create the ToolBar component and the JSON used to set an array of toolbar items:

<script type="text/javascript">
var toolBar = new PP.Ui.ToolBar({
ParentNode: document.getElementById("toolB"),
Top: 0,
Left: 0,
  Items: [
  new PP.Ui.ToolBarButton({
      Parent: toolBar,
      Content: "Add",
      ToolTip: "Add",
      IsFlat: true//Flat button
  new PP.Ui.ToolBarButton({
      Parent: toolBar,
      Content: "Delete",
      ToolTip: "Delete",
      IsFlat: true//Convex button
   new PP.Ui.ToolBarButton({
       Parent: toolBar,
       Content: "Edit",
       ToolTip: "Edit",
       IsFlat: true//Convex button

See also:
