

IsAddTabButtonVisible: Boolean;


The IsAddTabButtonVisible property determines whether to display tab used for adding new tabs.


Available values:

The tab for adding new tabs contains + in its heading. Clicking the tab adds a new tab named New Tab:

Property value is set from JSON on component creation or using the setIsAddTabButtonVisible(value, position) method. Use the getIsAddTabButtonVisible method to get the property value.

Parameters of the setIsAddTabButtonVisible method:

value. Determines whether to show tab for adding new tabs.

position. Panel position where the tab for adding new tabs will show or hide. Enumeration item


Executing the example requires that the page contains the TabControl component named tabcontrol (see Example of Creating the TabControl Component). Add a button clicking which disables adding new tabs:

var but1 = new PP.Ui.Button(
    ParentNode: document.body,
    Content: "Hide adding tab",
    Click: function ()
        tabcontrol.setIsAddTabButtonVisible (false);

After executing the example the Hide Adding Tab button is added to the page. Clicking the button hides the tab used for adding new tabs.

See also:
