

getEditorValue ();


The getEditorValue method returns mask editor value.


To execute the example, connect links to the PP.js library and the PP.css visual styles table on the HTML page. Create a mask editor used to enter time. Add the Click event handler:

<script type="text/javascript">

var MEtime = new PP.Ui.MaskEdit({

            ParentNode: document.getElementById("ME2"),

            Width: "170px",

            Height: "21px",

            Mask: "__:__",

            RegExpContent: "^(0\\d|1\\d|2[0-3]):([0-5]\\d)$"



        MEtime.Click.add(function(sender, args) {

            alert("Editor value: " + MEtime.getEditorValue());



After executing the example the HTML page contains a masked editor for entering time value with a defined value. A message with editor value is displayed on clicking the editor edit box.

NOTE. Unlike the MaskEdit.getLastValidValue method, getEditorValue gets any editor value, including the values that do not correspond to a regular expression.

See also:
