setControlsGroupVisibility (value: Boolean, groupName: PP.Ui.FontBox.ControlsGroups)
groupName. Name of the components group, for which you will define visibility.
value. Visibility: true - the group is shown, false - the group is not shown.
The setControlsGroupVisibility method sets visibility for a group of controls in the FontBox component.
To execute the example, the page must contain a FontBox component named textSettings (see FontBox constructor). Add a button clicking which hides color selection menu:
var but = new PP.Ui.Button(
ParentNode: document.getElementById("but1"),
Content: "Hide color",
Click: function (sender, args)
textSettings.setControlsGroupVisibility(false, PP.Ui.FontBox.ControlsGroups.FontColor)
After executing the example clicking the Hide Color button hides the drop-down menu for color selection.
See also: