

IsRetinaAvailable: Boolean


The IsRetinaAvailable property determines whether it is possible to work on devices with Retina display.


Available values:

Use JSON or the setIsRetinaAvailablemethod to set the property value and the getIsRetinaAvailable method to get the property value.


To execute the example, the Button component named button (see href="../../components/button/example_simplebutton.htm">Example of Creating a Simple Button) must be present. Check whether device have Retina display and whether the work with the device is possible:

if (button.getIsRetinaAvailable()) {
    console.log("It is a Retina display and it is possible to work with device having this display");
} else {
    console.log("It is not Retina display or it is not possible to work with device having this display");

As a result of executing the example the console displays the message whether device is with Retina display and whether it is possible to work with the display.

See also:
