

SettingChanged: function(sender, args);


sender. Event source.

args. Array of objects containing event information. Available arguments: Name - setting name, Value - setting value.


The SettingChanged event occurs after changing settings of the Size tab in the express report bubble chart wizard.


Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component) and the Size active tab in the bubble chart wizard. Handle the SettingChanged event:

// Get a list of express report bubble chart wizard panels
var panels = expressBox.getPropertyBarView().getBubbleChartMaster().getItems();
for (var i in panels) {    
    var panel = panels[i];    
    if (panel.getTypeName() == "BubbleChartMasterSize") {
        // Handle the SettingChanged event
        panel.SettingChanged.add(function (sender, args) {   
            console.log("Changed property: " + args[0].Name);
            console.log("New value: " + args[0].Value);

Execute the specified example and manually change calculation method of color indicator size on the Size tab. After the SettingChanged event is handled, the console displays name and new value of the changed property (in this case, minimum size of color indicator):

Changed property: chartmaster.sizepanel.min

New value: 15

See also:
