

getMarkChangedItem(): PP.Ui.MenuItem;


The getMarkChangedItem method returns the menu item that sets up automatic refresh on selection change.


To execute the example, the HTML page must contain the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component). Set up width of automatic refresh menu items, set title of refresh period setup dialog box:

// Get report automatic refresh menu by steps
ribbonView = expressBox.getRibbonView();
control = ribbonView.getControl();
auReMenuControl = control.getControlById("MainAutoRefreshButton");
autoRefreshMenu = auReMenuControl.getMenu();
// Get the On Selection Change menu item
markChanged = autoRefreshMenu.getMarkChangedItem();
// Change menu item width
// Get the Do Not Use menu item
periodicalDisable = autoRefreshMenu.getPeriodicalDisableItem();
// Change menu item width
// Get menu item enabling periodic refresh
periodicalInterval = autoRefreshMenu.getPeriodicalIntervalItem();
// Change menu item width
// Get dialog box for setting up refresh period
periodicalDialog = autoRefreshMenu.getPeriodDialog();
// Set dialog box title
periodicalDialog.setCaption("Refresh period definition dialog box");

After executing the example, width of automatic refresh menu item width is changed, after which the title of refresh period setup dialog box is set.

See also:
