Example of Creating the WbkValidationTree Component

To execute the example, the HTML page must contain the WorkbookBox component named workbookBox (see Example of Creating the WorkbookBox Component). Create the WbkValidationTree component and display it in the dialog:

// Get workbook model
var source = workbookBox.getSource();
// Create a validation tree
validationTree = new PP.TS.Ui.WbkValidationTree({
    Source: source, // Data source
    // Process metadata request event
    RequestMetadata: function () {
        console.log("Request metadata...");
    // Workbook service
    Service: source ? source.getPPService() : null,
    Class: "Item ValidationTreeList", // List of CSS classes
    ShowRootFolder: True, // Enable displaying of the root folder
    // Display only validation rules and groups of rules
    Filter: [PP.Mb.MetabaseObjectClass.KE_CLASS_VALIDATIONFILTER, PP.Mb.MetabaseObjectClass.KE_CLASS_VALIDATIONGROUP],
    Metabase: source ? source.getMetabase() : null, // Repository
    // Tree root folder key
    RootKey: source && source.hasRubrs() ? source.getWbkMetadata().rubrs.def.k : 0,
    Width: 230,
    Height: 180,
// Create the created tree to the dialog
var dialog = new PP.Ui.Dialog({
    Caption: "Validation Tree", // Dialog title
    Content: validationTree,
    Width: 300, // Dialog width
    Height: 250 // Dialog height
// Display this dialog

The WbkValidationTree component is created and shown in the dialog box as the result of example execution:

As the result of processing the RequestMetadata event, on each metadata request the browser console also will show an appropriate message.

See also:
