IsBreadcrumbVisible: Boolean;
The IsBreadcrumbVisible property determines whether breadcrumb and series tree are visible.
If this property is set to True breadcrumb and series tree are visible, when it is set to False, they are hidden.
To execute the example, the page must contain the WorkbookBox component named workbookBox (see Example of Creating the WorkbookBox Component), and also add the following code in the handler, that processes document opening event:
var showBrCrButt = new PP.Ui.Button({ ParentNode: document.body, //DOM parent node Content: "Show/Hide", //Text Click: PP.Delegate(onClickShowBrCr) }); function onClickShowBrCr(){ var dataView = workbookBox.getDataView(); dataView.getIsBreadcrumbVisible() ? dataView.setIsBreadcrumbVisible(false) : dataView.setIsBreadcrumbVisible(true); }
After executing the example the HTML page will contain the WorkbookBox component and the button named Show/Hide, clicking which shows or hides the breadcrumb chain and series tree.
See also: