

setAttributes(attrIds: Array, reApplyState: Boolean);


attrIds. List of time series attributes' IDs.

reApplyState. Indication if the current state selection will be reset. If this parameter is True, the current state selection should be reset, otherwise it should not be. This is an optional parameter, by default its value is not defined.


The setAttributes method sets the list of series attributes IDs in the wizard that validates data by comparing observations ratio.


To execute the example, the HTML page must contain an instance of the RatioWizard class named ratioWizard (see RatioWizard Constructor). Set the Measurement Unit attribute for the considered wizard, gray border color for the corresponding drop-down menu, and load the list of measurement units with the selected US Dollars element in the drop-down menu on the right:

// Set attribute of the Unit series
ratioWizard.setAttributes(["UNIT"], True);
// Get a drop-down list with compared series
var attrCombo = ratioWizard.getAttrCombo();
// Set gray color for border
attrCombo.setStyle("border-color: gray");
// Get a drop-down list with dimensions of the selected attribute
var treeCombo = ratioWizard.getTreeCombo();
// Select the US Dollars value in the list
treeCombo.setContent("US Dollars");
treeCombo.getTreeView().setSelectedElems(True, 3531, False);

After executing the example the following parameters are defined for the data validation wizard that compares observations ratio: the Measurement Unit attribute is set for the wizard, gray border color is defined for corresponding drop-down menu, a list of measurement units is loaded in drop-down menu on the right, and the US Dollars element is selected in this list:

See also:
