

changeSource(rubKey: Number, text: String, isCube: Boolean);


rubKey. Time series database key.

text. Name of selected source.

isCube. Indicates that a cube is selected.


The changeSource method changes workbook data source.


To execute the example, the HTML page must contain the WorkbookBox component named workbookBox (see Example of Creating the WorkbookBox Component). The repository must contain a time series database with the 3014 key, that in the following example will be set as the workbook data source:

// Get tool ribbon
var ribbon = workbookBox.getRibbonView();
// Get the Home tab
var mainCatView = ribbon.getMainCategory();
// Determine key of new data source factor directory
var rubKey = 3014;
// Set a new data source
mainCatView.changeSource(rubKey, "Test", False);

After executing the example the data source with the time series database key 3014 is set for the current workbook.

See also:
