

openFromRubOdId(rubOdId: String, rubKey: Number, wbk: PP.TS.WbkDocument, callback: PP.Delegate);


rubOdId. Moniker of the time series database, whose hierarchy should be opened.

rubKey. Time series database key.

wbk. Workbook document.

callback. Callback function.


The openFromRubOdId method opens workbook hierarchy by time series database moniker.


This method returns an object of the PP.TS.MetaHierarchy type.


To execute the example, the HTML page must contain the WorkbookBox component named workbookBox (see Example of Creating the WorkbookBox Component). Get level names in hierarchy of the current time series database:

// Get service for workbook working
var service = workbookBox._Service;
// Get data source
var source = workbookBox.getSource();
// Get current factor catalog moniker
var rubOdId = source.getRubOdId().id;
// Get current factor catalog key
var rubKey = source.getRub().meta.obInst.obDesc.k;
var metaHierarchy;
// Get service for working with hierarchies in data source
var hieService = service.getHieService();
// Determine callback function
var onOpenFromRubOdId = function () {
    // Determine array of levels in current factor catalog hierarchy
    console.log("List f levels in current factor catalog hierarchy:")
    var levels = metaHierarchy.getLevels();
    for (var i in levels) {
        console.log(i + ". " + levels[i].n);
// Get workbook hierarchy by factor directory key
metaHierarchy = hieService.openFromRubOdId(rubOdId, rubKey, source, PP.Delegate(onOpenFromRubOdId, this));

After executing the example the browser console displays names of levels in hierarchy of the current time series database:

List of levels in hierarchy of the current time series database:
0. Period
1. Measurement unit
2. Country
3. Factor

See also:
