

CurrentState: Object


The CurrentState property determines current settings for the data validation rule wizard that compares data with time series database.


Use the setCurrentState method to set the property value, and the getCurrentState method to get the property value. Property value cannot be set from JSON.


Executing this example requires an instance of the CrossDatabaseWizard class named crossDatabaseWizard (see CrossDatabaseWizard Constructor), and a master database with the 2031 key.  Determine new settings for data validation rule wizard that validates data by comparing it with the time series database:

// Determine settings of data validation rule wizard by comparing them with time series database
var state = {
    comparatorRubKey: 2031, // Key of master time series database
    // Type of change - "Value increased"
    comparisonType: PP.TS.ValidationRevisionComparisonType.Increase,
    value: {
        // Operation "Greater or equal"
        compOper: PP.TS.ValidationComparisonOperator.MoreOrEqual,
        percentage: True, // Value is presented as a percent
        value1: 10 // First value
// Apply these settings

After executing the example the following settings are selected in this wizard: changes type - Value increased, comparison operator - greater than or equal, and the value 10 shown as a percentage:

See also:
