EnableNativeContextMenu: Boolean;
The EnableNativeContextMenu property determines whether it is possible to open browser context menu to work with the table.
Use JSON or the setEnableNativeContextMenu method to set the property value and the getEnableNativeContextMenu method to get the property value.
If the property is set to True, the user can call browser context menu to work with the table, otherwise it is not possible.
To execute the example, the HTML page must contain the TabSheet component named tabSheet (see. Example of Creating the TabSheet Component). Enable using browser context menu, cancel undo and redo options for table changes:
// Enable using browser context menu tabSheet.setEnableNativeContextMenu(true); // Disable undo and redo operations for table changes tabSheet.setUndoRedoEnable(false);
After that browser context menu opens on clicking the table with the right mouse button.
On changing the values of table cells, the undo changes command called by the CTRL+Z combinations, would not work.
See also: