

AutoUpdateByHandler: Boolean;


The AutoUpdateByHandler property determines whether table cells are fully or partially updated after handling event connected to regular report.


Available values:

NOTE. If the event handler is not connected to the regular report, then when a cell value is changed manually, it is only updated automatically, event if the AutoUpdateByHandler property is set to True.

The property value is set using the setAutoUpdateByHandler method and is returned by the getAutoUpdateByHandler method.

For example, to execute the specified algorithm of actions in case of regular report cell change, use the ReportEvents.OnCellChange event.


Executing the example requires that an HTML page contains the ReportBox component named reportBox (see Example of the ReportBox Component Layout). Make sure that the repository contains a regular report with the 3275 key containing a data table and an event handling unit executing the ReportEvents.OnCellChange event is connected. The script below should be executed in the browser console:

// Get data area view
dataView = reportBox.getDataView();
// Get table
gridView = dataView.getGridView();
// Update only changed table cells

After executing the example the event connected to the regular report is handled, and only changed table cells are updated.

See also:
