



key. Key of the object up to which the nodes must be expanded.


The expandNodesTo method expands all folders that contain object with the specified key.


To execute the example, the HTML page must contain MetabaseTreeList component named list1 (see Example of Creating the MetabaseTreeList Component). Add the following controls:

        var but1 = new PP.Ui.Button(
           ParentNode: document.getElementById("div1"),
            Content: "Select all"
        but1.Click.add(function (sender, args) {
            // Keys of selected nodes  are added to the combo1 drop-down list
            for (var i = 0; i < list1.getSelectedKeys().length; i++) {
        //The button deselects all nodes
        var but2 = new PP.Ui.Button(
            ParentNode: document.getElementById("div2"),
            Content: "Deselect all"
        but2.Click.add(function (sender, args) {
        //The button hides all nodes
        var but3 = new PP.Ui.Button(
            ParentNode: document.getElementById("div3"),
            Content: "Expand all"
        but3.Click.add(function (sender, args) {
        //The drop-down list contains keys of objects selected in the tree
        var combo1 = new PP.Ui.ComboBox(
            ParentNode: document.getElementById("div4"),
            Width: 200
        //Selecting a key expands all the folders containing the object with the selected key
        combo1.getListBox().ItemSelected.add(function (sender, args) {

After executing the example the following components are positioned on the page:

Click the Expand All button to expand all the tree nodes. Click the Select All button: all tree nodes become selected, the tree is collapsed, keys of selected (that is, of all) tree objects are added to the drop-down list named combo1. Select a key in the drop-down list. All folders that contain the object with the selected key are expanded:

Click the Deselect All button to deselect all tree nodes.

See also:
