

SyncLoadClipboardData: Boolean;


The SyncLoadClipboardData property determines whether data should be uploaded synchronously if there are unloaded cells on copying.


Use JSON or the setSyncLoadClipboardData method to set the property value and the getSyncLoadClipboardData method to get the property value.

This property is True if synchronous data loading is allowed when there are unloaded cells on copying, otherwise the property is False.

By default this property is set to False.


To execute the example, the HTML page must contain the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component) and with the loaded table in the express report workspace.

Enable synchronous data loading on copying unloaded cells. Select a range of table cells and paste its value to another cell. Get and show modified values:

// Get express report table
var grid = expressBox.getDataView().getGridView();
// Allow synchronous loading of data on copying unloaded cells
// Get table
var tabSheet = grid.getTabSheet();
// Get cell range and select it
var range = tabSheet.getRange(1, 3, 1, 3);, False);
// Get selected range data
var value = tabSheet.copy(range);
// Insert data to the cell with coordinates (2, 1);
tabSheet.paste(value, 2, 1);
// Get changed data
var cData = grid.getChangedData()[0];
console.log("New cell value[" + cData.L + ", " + cData.T + "] : " + cData.CellData.V);

After executing the example cell value is copied and pasted to a new position, and the browser console displays the changed value:

New cell value [1, 2] : 5

See also:
