Example of the Tooltip Setup

The page gives an example of setting up a tooltip in JSON format.

NOTE. When XML is automatically converted to JSON, the "@" character, which does not need to be removed, appears before attributes.

"ItemsDictionary" :


//This item must be preceded with the labels list.

"ChartTooltipBase": {

  "@Background": "#ffcccccc",

  "@Text": "DefaultCountry",

  "@BorderRadius": "5",

  "@HoverMode": "MouseOver",

  "@BorderThickness": "1",

  "@Left": "5",

  "@TextWrapping": "Wrap",

  "@Id": "Tooltip1",

  "@MaskText": "{0}",

  "@Top": "10",

  "@Font": "{BlackFont}",

  "@Padding": "2 2 2 2",

  "@Height": "30",

  "@BorderColor": "#E0FFFF",

  "@Margin": "2 2 2 2",

  "DropShadow": "True"


//It is typically followed by scale description.


See also:

ChartTooltipBase Item