Map Layout on HTML Page

The following files are required to place a map to an HTML page:

In the HEAD tag add links to JS and CSS files (PP.js, MapChart.js, PP.css).

In the BODY tag add the attribute onresize:

<body onresize="onresize()">

<div id="map"></div>


In the SCRIPT tag add the following code:

    //Create a variable that will contain a map
    var map;
    function createMap(mapData)
        if (map) map.dispose();
        var mapContent = document.getElementById("map-content");
        //get the JSON settings of the map
        var settings = JSON.parse(mapData);
        //determine a topobase
        settings.MapChart.Topobase = "MapData/topobase/SVG/Russia.svg";
        settings.MapChart.ParentNode = "map";
        //path to the folder with images
        settings.MapChart.ImagePath = "PP_img/";
        //create a map
        map = new PP.MapChart(settings.MapChart ? settings.MapChart : settings);
    //request to get the file with JSON settings of the map
    var Request = new PP.Ajax(
        Url: "MapData/MapData_russia.xml?d=" + (new Date).toTimeString(),
        Success: function (sender, args)
    //Function to update map sizes	
    function updateSize()
        if (map)
            map.setHeight(document.documentElement.clientHeight - 60);
    var idTime;
    //function to set map sizes according to window sizes
    window.onresize = function ()
        if (idTime) clearTimeout(idTime);
        idTime = setTimeout(updateSize, 100);

The map with the Russia.svg topobase is located on the HTML page after an example execution. Map appearance depends on the settings specified in the XML file:

See also:

Creating a DHTML Map