AutoMaskCheckboxVisible: Boolean;
The AutoMaskCheckboxVisible property determines visibility of automatic text mask radio button.
Property value is set from JSON or using the setAutoMaskCheckboxVisible method.
To execute the example, connect the PP.js, PP.BaseMaster.js, PP.MapMaster.js assemblies and the PP.css styles file. In the <body> tag place add the <div> element with the Panel identifier:
// Create a container var container = new PP.Ui.GridPanel({ ParentNode: document.getElementById("Panel") } ); // Create a wizard mmaster = new PP.Ui.MapTooltipsPanel({ ResourceKey: "mmLabels", PropertyName: "MapChartSettings", SettingPrefix: "mapmaster.mainpanel.labels.", AutoMaskCheckboxVisible: false }); // Add wizard container.add(mmaster);
After executing the example a panel is created for editing tooltips.
See also: