

ImageURL: String


The ImageURL property determines path to preview image.


Use JSON or the setImageURL method to set the property value and the getImageURL method to get the property value.


Executing the example requires that the Foresight Analytics Platform web application is opened. Open directory with the report set up for preview. The script specified below must be executed in the browser console.

Get data by repository object list item:

// Get instance of object list
modObj = PP.App.getModuleObject();
RepBox = modObj.getReportBox();
NavBox = RepBox.getNavigatorBox();
MbObjectsIconView = NavBox.getCurrentModeControl();
exemp = MbObjectsIconView.getItems()[0];
// Get path to instance preview image
(exemp.getHasPrv() && exemp.getIconType() == "Giant") ? console.log("Path to image: " + exemp.getImageUrl()) : console.log("Preview is not set up")

As a result, the console displays path to preview image if preview is set up correctly.

See also:
