Control: PP.Ui.IMiniMappable
The Control property contains the control, to which the zoom control panel is bound.
Use JSON or the setControl method to set the property value, and the getControl method to get the property value.
To execute the example the HTML page must contain the component named map (see MapChart component named map (see Example of Creating the MapChart Component). The example must be placed in the <script> tag. Create a zoom control panel and add it to map:
var miniMap = new PP.Ui.MiniMap({ // Set zoom panel width Width: 100, // Set whether map is displayed ShowMap: true, // Set whether zoom control buttons are displayed ShowButtons: true, // Set whether map proportions change on resize KeepProportions: false, // Set whether initial borders are saved KeepInitialBounds: true, // Set height of zoom control buttons ButtonsHeight: 20, FrameStyle: new PP.Style({ Background: new PP.SolidColorBrush({ Color: PP.Color.Colors.lightgreen })}) }); // Add zoom panel to map map.setMiniMap(miniMap); // Set a control for zoom panel miniMap._Control = map; // Display zoom panel on map map.setMiniMapEnabled(true, false); // Remove weather icons map._MilestoneLayer.remove();
As a result, zoom panel is added to map:
See also: