
Namespace: PP.Exp.Ui;


The GridCMenu enumeration contains types of context menu for cells of a row or column header in the express report table.

Available Values

Value Brief description
CornerTitle Context menu of the corner table cell.
Cut Cut element.
Copy Copy element.
Paste Paste element.
KeepElems Keep only one element.
ExcludeElems Exclude elements.
DetailElement Drill down the element.
GenElement Drill up the element.
FixElement Fix element.
FixElementWRep Fix and replace element.
CalcBasedOnElement Add by selected with operation: sum, average, minimum, maximum, mode, median, variance.
CalcBasedOnElementTotal Add total.
CalcBasedOnElementTempTotal Add subtotal.
DimViewMode Set up name layout.
DimViewAttribute Set up name by dictionary attributes.
DimViewCustom Set custom name.
Settings Settings.
Statistics Summary statistics.
Selection Select element.
RelationalGroup Group relational data area.
RelationalUngroup Ungroup relational data area.

See also:
